Friday, February 18, 2005

Plugging away on my bags

I'm now working on a black bag with a red boa & black fur border. Will have to upload picture sometime this weekend.

I also just finished a non-felted bag in double strand worsted with cane handles. Picture to follow as well.

Bernie is outside right now trying to make some wooden purse handles for me. I feel so bad. This is taking him a long time and I could just go down to the store and buy some for less than $8. I guess he is enjoying this too. It justifies his purchase of a new band saw, sander, router, etc. Oh well, we both have our vices. Mine just comes in skeins and hanks! (and chocolate!)
I can't wait to use one of his handles on a purse. I'm sure he'll be so proud to see me using it...better yet, he'll feel great if I were to sell it. Hmmm.

WIP: Little girl's poncho in rose colored LB Homespun. Chris was invited to a 4 yo girl's birthday party, which is on Sunday. I would like to do something quick and inexpensive so I raided my stash of some yarn that I had planned on using for a poncho for myself. If I can't finish in time, she'll get a really pretty, funky Bernat Boa scarf. Whatever I end up doing, I'll post a picture.

Got to finish cleaning the kitchen so I can spend the remainder of my night crocheting! Aloha!

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