Saturday, March 26, 2005

Clapotis status

I have dropped 9 sts thus far. I have 4 more straight rows to go before I can start my decreases. I can't wait to wear it! I even have the yarn for my next one picked out.
Last month the temperature hit the low 80's and I thought my scarf/shawl wearing days were through. This month it has been beautiful in the mid-high 60's, though windy as Hell. My allergies are in full bloom as are the mulberry trees and others. Even the Zyrtec can't touch this. I hope to finish Clapotis by next weekend so I can wear it for warmth and not just as a fashion statement. Although I have been known to suffer for fashion...thanks Mom! For all that don't know Rosie, my Mom, fashion diva extraordinaire, she who taught her daughters that suffering for fashion is expected of girls. I try, but my dogs hurt so much that I try to be fashionable so far as my Birkies let me.

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