Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Good read

Almost done with The Shop on Blossom Street by Debbie Macomber. It sure went by fast. I can't wait to read the sequel, A Good Yarn. I've never read Debbie Macomber before and it was very pleasant. I'm used to reading really trashy (sexy) romance novels and some of my favorite authors are Christina Dodd, Judith McNaught, Amanda Quick, Julie Garwood and Julia Quinn. I favor historical romances set in England and Scotland, either medieval or regency romances.
I used to be a voracious reader but lately have been knitting more than reading. If only I could figure out how to hold those little books whilst I read, I'd be happy. I used to like to listen to my audio books while reading but Bernie's computer is not playing well with so I can't download anything to my MP3 player at home. I've been listening to my audio books at work but I can't knit while I do it! Dammit!

Speaking of reading and one time I used to put my mouse on the floor and read through my emails and group digests while knitting...just clicking my mouse with my toes! It worked for awhile until my feet started cramping. They weren't used to doing such dexterous tasks for an extended period.

Got to get back to work!

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