Saturday, June 18, 2005

What will the future hold?

Work: From the looks of it, our office is about to implode. Four people left last week Friday and yesterday one more gave notice. Her last day is next Friday. She is a sweet woman who is quite smart and knows what she's doing. She also just returned from maternity leave after giving birth to twins! I gave her a pair of earrings, that she admired, as a going away present. They were sterling silver drops made of pink and clear Swarovski crystals. I heard from a friend that there have been rumors going around the hospitals that our group of docs is splitting up. If this is the case, I hope my old doc takes me with him. I'd even consider doing front & back office again. I realized this week that I have been with him for 10 years as of this month! If the group doesn't split, I still don't think I'll be going anywhere. Admin really leaves me and my partner alone unless they need something from us. No one really knows what we do and how we do it. We're the only ones in the company who use the programs we do and there isn't anyone left in the company who can take over for us if we leave. Sounds like our jobs are secure, right? Ha! They've already outsourced our transcription to India. Who is to say that they won't outsource the rest of our job?

Home: What would you think when your husband of 15 years calls you from a business trip and says that when he gets home we have to sit down and have a serious talk about our future? My first thought was that his statement was quite ominous and that he wants a divorce. He came home yesterday but we never got a chance to have that talk so when he called me from work today I asked him about it. He said we'll have that talk tomorrow but I, not being one to wait, asked if he wanted a divorce. Had he met someone else? He starts laughing and said that was the most stupid thing he's ever heard me say. It is definitely not like that. Whew! Everytime I've spoken to him today he starts to laugh and calls me stupid. This is one time I don't mind being called stupid. Wouldn't it be cool if he said that I didn't have to go back to my job but instead knit and make jewelry all day? Well, that's in addition to cleaning, laundry, cooking, chauffering, grocery shopping, arbitrating, etc, etc. Hmmm...can't wait to have this conversation.

Going to bed now. Hopefully I can read a couple of chapters before nodding off.

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