Monday, July 18, 2005

Knit Picks order is on the way

Can't wait to get these items from Knit Picks. I ordered them on Friday. I ordered some Sock Garden in the Geranium colorway. and I also ordered some Wool of the Andes in Cranberry and Maple Syrup
that I'm going to make into a felted bag.

Oh, and lest I forget, I'm also awaiting delivery of a new laptop that Bernie bought me. I'm so excited and I'm sure he can't wait until I am back on my very own computer. I have the bad habit of moving things on his desk while I'm working there. I can't stand my work area looking so chaotic. He, of course, knows where everything is in this mess.

Has anyone else heard of Simply Audiobooks? Steph and I were discussing the new Harry Potter book and that it is available on audiobook, so while we were chatting I happened upon this site and decided to take their trial offer. I already belong to where I get 2 audiobooks to download every month for $20 no matter what the retail value of each book. Luckily, I'm able to listen while at work. I do have an MP3 player but it isn't compatible with Bernie's computer so for the past year I haven't been able to download anything to it and have to listen to my books while sitting at the computer. I'd like to take them with me in the car or to the park (or wherever) so I'm hoping that I'm going to like Simply Audiobooks. If you're familiar with Netflicks, this is the same premise. They mail you 2 (or more if you pay more) books at a time and when you're done you mail them back and they send you the next title on your list. I have until August 5th to try them out for free.

I can't believe it! I've been sitting here all day! Where does the time go? I'd better get off my ass and get things done.

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