Sunday, July 03, 2005

They're coming!

My sister, Gina, and her daughter, Devan, are coming to visit me, from Hawaii, on July 31st. They'll be spending 2 weeks with me until Dev has to go back to school. I haven't seen them for 3 years. I haven't been back to Hawaii for almost 4 years! Can't believe it's been so long.

I'm hoping that David (my bestest guy friend ever!) will be able to join us as well. (Thanks Samiland for the link!) He works with the Hawaii Opera Theater doing costuming & makeup. Perfect for him as he is so creative! I wish I had pictures to post of his past Halloween costumes. I do have a pic of David but have to wait until I go back to work to post it.

I'd like for us all to get the Hell out of Hell (Las Vegas in the summer) as it was 113 degrees here today and it's only just beginning to get hot! I want us to take the kids down to San Diego and do the Sea World, SD Zoo thing. Most of all, I just want to see the ocean. I miss it! We'll have to stop in Corona on the way back and visit with one of our cousins. Gina also has a very good friend, Terri, who lives in SD as well as our nephew, Kawika, who is a student at UCSD. Yes, I think we MUST go there! None of us gamble so other than eat, there's not much keeping us in Vegas.

The coffee I've been sipping is not doing the trick. Almost 2:30 a.m. and I'm wilting. Until later!

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