Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Trying to get back on track

It was really hard at work today. All people are talking about is the accident. What really irritates me is that everyone, no matter that they didn't know her, are speculating about what happened. I hope Dr. D and the kids can get through this in relative peace. I was so happy that I finally called the house and expressed my support. I just wanted them to know that I'll do whatever I can, whatever they need, when they need it. I wanted them to know that I love them and that the "girls" are here for them. All of Dr. D's girls, past and present, want to do something, anything. We found out that there will be no memorial service here in town and that she will be laid to rest in her home state on Friday. I completely understand because their families are all there.

Now...back to life...for now...

Got my new laptop yesterday. I came home late from our knitting meetup so I didn't even bother unpacking it because I knew I'd want to play all night. Well, guess what I'm doing right now?

Speaking of the knitting meetup, here we are!

From L to R, back to front: Kim, Sidra, Me, Mina, Brandy & Leah. Not a bad turnout. We had a great time. This was Mina's first meeting with us.

We also had our first secret gift exchange and I got a terrific gift! I got some recycled silk and a couple of balls of roving. Thanks Kim!

Oh, did I mention that it's frickin' hot? The weatherman said that this was the 10th straight day of record high temps. What's funny is that July is the start of monsoon season in Las Vegas. Bring it on! Actually, we're supposed to expect some storm activity and flash flood warnings by Friday & Saturday. This was the temp outside after I picked Chris up from preschool at 5:30 this afternoon.

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