Sunday, August 14, 2005

Camouflage cell phone bag

Gina bought Devan a pair of camouflage flip flops from Footworks at The District @ Green Valley Ranch. They had pink details and were quite comfortable. I have been thinking about those slippers or "slippahs" as we call them in Hawaii, and remembered some camo yarn and pink fun fur that I just happened to have in my stash. Here is the end result of my efforts today, a cell phone bag. I wonder if Devan will like it.

In case anyone is interested, one end of the strap buttons on the inside of the bag so that you could either loop it around your wrist or around the handles of your purse so that it hangs on the outside of your more digging around trying to find your phone before it stops ringing! Cool, huh? I'm currently working on another one made with scraps of 100% wool trimmed with fun fur that I plan to felt. I didn't like my first two attempts at felting crocheted items. I much prefer to felt knitted items but I'm a faster crocheter and can tweak crocheted ideas easier than knitted ones.

By request, here is the un-pattern since I suck at pattern writing:

I didn't have a pattern. Just did it on-the-fly like I usually do with crocheted projects. Basically, this is what I did:

I think I used a size G or H (my favorite sizes) and worsted weight Red Heart

Start with a chain that will equal the width of your bag. Single crochet in the 2nd chain and ea chain across. Then, working into the back of the chain, sc across to where you first started. You don't have to join, but instead you can continue working around and around (in either sc or hdc) until you get the bag as tall as you'd like. You should end on one side of the bag so that you can continue with the strap from this point. To be honest, I'm not sure how I made the strap. It was about 4 sts that I joined into a ring and just kept crocheting around and around until it was the length that I wanted. I decreased the 4 sts down to 1 st and made a short chain for a buttonhole loop. Attach the other end to one side of the bag, sew a button onto the inside of the opposite side. I added the fun fur after the bag was complete by starting 2 rows down and, using 2 strands together (each end of the ball) I crocheted around the post of the stitch until I reached the top of the bag. Cut yarn and weave in ends.

1 comment:

  1. I love this camo cell phone! Talk about an unexpected combo (pink and camo)...but I really love it! How long did it take you to do this? Can you share the pattern?
