Sunday, August 14, 2005

I'm back from vacation...time to post!

I have enjoyed the past several days visiting with my sister, Gina and her daughter, Devan. They haven't been here since Gina's wedding three years ago. They used to live here nine years ago but moved back to Hawaii when Gina began nursing school. I forgot just how much I missed Gina until she left yesterday. We are thisclose and it hurts to live so far from eachother.

We did a lot of shopping (of course) and went on a little excursion to
Bonnie Springs, which, back in the 50's was a little place for the entertainers on the Las Vegas Strip to go for relaxation. Now it's just a mock ghost town and petting zoo with actors performing a hanging and shoot-out. Here is a picture of Gina (L) and Devan (R) at Bonnie Springs.

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