Thursday, October 13, 2005

I've been a bad blogger!

This was a very interesting trilogy. I am now a Nora Roberts fan. In fact, I've got another one called Rising Tides for tomorrow.

Okay, where to start? This has to be quick because I have to get to sleep. I quit my job. My last day is October 28th. I have been with this same doctor for 10 years, although I've been working in the corporate office since he merged with this group over 3 years ago. Bernie and I had a deal that once he made Fire Captain, I could quit. Well, that was 3 years ago. This just seemed like good timing. They didn't want me to quit. In fact, they offered to let me work from home but I'd be tethered to my house from 8-5 every day. What good is that? I wouldn't have much time to myself and with my family. They offered me a higher salary plus quarterly bonuses. It sounded like a good deal but I wanted more freedom. Bernie said he didn't care if I knitted and crocheted all day. It was time to quit. Isn't this what all of us dream of hearing? It was still hard to let go. My boss was so supportive. She stayed home to raise her kids so she understood where I was coming from. She said that as long as she was with the company, I could have my job back if I wanted it. I'm scared. I'm excited. I can't wait to wake up Halloween morning and not have to go to work. In fact, October 31st is also Nevada Day, our state holiday, so the kids are home too! Woohoo!

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