Monday, December 12, 2005

FYI, Knit Picks Sock Garden Felts Well!

Remember those Knit Picks Sock Garden socks I knit for myself recently? The ones in the Geranium colorway of red, pink and green? I, the idiot that I am, washed them in the washer. I was amazed at the amount of felting that was done on a cold/cold cycle. So if anyone was wondering if this yarn is good for felting, yes it is! With little effort, apparently. How much did they shrink, you ask? Well, I wear a women's size 10 shoe and these socks now fit my 5 year old son who wears a kid's size 11 1/2 shoe. Believe me, I tried to put them on and stretch them as soon as I discovered them in the washer but I couldn't get them over my toes. The fabric would really make a good iPod cozy or coasters. So next time I want to felt something on purpose, I'll think of Knit Picks Sock Garden yarn and all the yummy colorways.

Consider this a public service announcement...or an announcement to the public of what an idiot I am. I had the best intentions, honestly. I'm trying to wash every dirty bit of laundry in the house so that I can pack for our vacation to Hawaii on Wednesday

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