Monday, February 27, 2006

I am the Bode Miller of the Knitting Olympics!

I came, I saw, I partied and I didn't medal in a single %$@#*^$ event!

Here is the progress on my Tubey sweater as of this morning. I had gotten so bored with all the stockinette in the shrug portion that I put it aside in order to work on my Kiri shawl. I am one of those who cannot concentrate on one project for very long and always have several on the needles at one time. I figured that I had a better chance of finishing that than the Tubey. Then on Friday night my husband said, "Michelle, do you realize how much money and how many people it took to get you to Torino? You've trained for all these years just to give up? You need to put that thing (Kiri) down and finish what you came here for!" My husband, gotta love him! He made me believe that it was not the medal standings that make us Olympians, but in the participation and our best effort to finish that make us champions! I will finish my Tubey and as soon as that's over I'm back in training for Vancouver 2010!

Me ke aloha!

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