Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Knitting can be a spectator sport

Thanks to Julia at http://www.danceswithyarn.com/ there is a button for spectators of the Knitting Olympics.

Almost finished with the OSW modification. Just completed the second sleeve and tomorrow I'll pick up stitches for the body ribbing. At least I'll have one FO before I start my Tubey for the Olympics. I'm kindof having second thoughts about doing the Tubey for my "event" because the OSW is a shrug and the Tubey starts off with a shrug for the arms and I'm getting a bit bored with the whole shrug thing right now. I have a pattern for the top down "Take it From the Top" sweater from Cabin Fever that I bought from Patternworks. I might be happier doing that. I'll give myself until Thursday to decide. I was even thinking that if I held off on the ribbing for the OSW that after the Olympics I could knit the body of the Tubey and connect it to the OSW per the Tubey instructions. Might work. Now I'm re-thinking my choice of colors as well. I planned to do my Tubey in black with purple and lavender stripes. I could also do black with autumn red and tan stripes. Hmmm. Need. Sleep. Badly.

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