Thursday, May 11, 2006

Felted flower power

Finished this purse awhile ago but it just needed a little oomph! I made it out of some Paton's Classic Merino and I think the bottom is Crystal Palace Icelandic wool. I've been looking for some free felted flower patterns online and found one that I loosely followed at Mag Knits. I really love the Noni purses at Diva Knitting and my little experiments will just have to do until I pick up a pattern or three.

My next purse project will be a black felted purse that I'm going to embellish with pink flowers and green leaves. I'm not quite sure if I'm going to use felted handles/straps or some black lacquer ones that I have. I'll be sure to post pictures when done. I'm actually working on some flowers tonight. I have pink and purple done and turquoise on the needles right now, just waiting for some leaves and then to be felted. I'm not sure what to do about the stamens but the fun fur seems to work for me.