Sunday, August 13, 2006

My Moebius Scarf

I'm just so happy that Cat Bordhi was on Knitty Gritty to share her Moebius cast on technique.  My friend, Sidra, tried to show me but as soon as I got home and attempted it on my own, I couldn't remember it.  I googled until I found a pattern that explained one version but it wasn't Cat's version.  That one involved doing a regular e-loop cast on using two needles so that the stitches were very loose.  Then you had to go back and pick up along the bottom of the cast on stitches.  It is twice the work of Cat's technique.
I have 150 stitches (which I think equals 300 stitches in moebius land) crammed on this size 10-40" inch cable.  With this number and my gauge, it will be a large scarf but not quite big enough to fit over my NFL linebacker sized shoulders.  Next time, to get a shawl, I'll need to cast on over 250 stitches. 
I've pretty much told Bernie that I'll be making one of these for my MIL in her favorite color, purple, for Christmas.  I'm always trying to find new garments and accessories suited to my MIL and her ability to wear them comfortably.  She is missing one of her arms so I figured that a Moebius scarf would be ideal so she doesn't have to constantly fidget with it to stay on.  Last Christmas I made her a poncho to not only keep her warm but help disguise the fact that she's missing a limb.  She has a prosthesis but chooses not to wear it.  I don't blame her one bit. 

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