Monday, November 13, 2006

Our new puppy, Sophie

Here is our little Sophie. Austin's mom had a dilemma. She had given her puppy, Sophie, to her mom. Her grandma just moved in with her mom and brought her dogs. It soon became apparent that there were too many dogs in the house and Sophie had to go. Since we had just lost Thor, she asked if we wanted another dog. Because of her pending homelessness, I relented. Anthony wanted another Maltese to fill the void that Thor left. Sophie just happens to be a Yorkshire Terrier/Maltese mix.
Not exactly what he was hoping for but since he had become aquainted with Sophie at Austin's house, he was cool with her coming to live with us. We got her on Friday and she did quite well. Today she peed and pooped in the house for the first time (that I know of!) which is surprising because she is housebroken and has been using the doggy door since she arrived. I think Sam is getting more comfortable with her. They seem to play during the day. Sam is so used to having a senior citizen for a friend that they never had much play time.
Here is a picture of Anthony and his friend, Austin after their first varsity game. They actually got in on a few plays after halftime. They won the game 46-7 and advanced to the Sunrise Regional semi-finals this Friday. Please wish them luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck!!! And good luck with the new cute puppy!
