Friday, February 09, 2007

2006 Schedule

2006 Schedule

I don't remember if I blogged about this earlier or not. My son's football team won the 2006 state championships and as part of that, they posed for a championship picture. Nothing new about that, right? This photography company is located in Reno, Nevada and we are in Las Vegas. Quite a distance away, but they sent both their Las Vegas and Reno photographers since the team we played against was from up north in Galena, near Reno. Can you believe they lost the film? We had no idea until we got our check back in the mail about a month later. What I can't believe is that both crews took pictures and both of their photos were lost. Since my son is a freshman, and I hope that they win until he graduates, I am not as heartbroken as parents of seniors are, I'm sure. I called the company and asked if they plan to come back to retake the pictures. The representative I spoke to said that it is an option but she doesn't know what they plan to do at this time. Argh! Anyway, while cruising on my husband's computer this afternoon, I saw that he had the high school website in his favorites list so I clicked on it. I found a copy of the championship picture on the website! I couldn't believe it. It's possibly one of the only copies available! Of course, I printed it out for my son to hang on his wall. I sent the link to a friend, who is the mom of one of his teammates. What luck! You can rest assured that I will bring my camera to every game next season. I'm kicking myself for not doing it more this year.

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