Sunday, April 12, 2009


I've been wanting to blog for awhile now but I am on my husband's desktop. My laptop is dead. I had a Gateway that was about 4.5 years old and was working just fine, especially since Bernie wiped the hard drive for me and we re-installed all my stuff. It ran so much faster without the extraneous crap on it. I went to turn it on a week and a half ago and the "on/off" button was stuck. We called the computer guy who came and fixed Bernie's laptop a couple of weeks earlier and he couldn't get the cover off while at my house so he took it home. Long story short: it would cost about 1/3 of what he thinks it's worth to fix it. No matter that we paid $1300 for it when we got it. He thinks I can find a comparable one for about $400. Maybe, but who wants comparable when I can get BETTER! In fact, I saw one the other day for about $600. Wow! I had no idea what is out there for the price! I'll be getting another laptop soon, when I can be assured the purchase won't leave us hurting, after the mortgage, bills, groceries, and other necessities are paid for. In the meantime, I can use Bernie's or Chris' computers.

What have I been working on? More potholders in that double-thick crochet pattern, some reverse applique coasters, padded paperback book covers, magnetic bookmarkers, and small bifold wallets. I even made myself a new tea wallet tonight. Sounds like a lot and it is, but I've been having fun. I love my book covers! I used to make them years ago, before I knew my way around a sewing machine. They were ugly but functional. I used to make them out of quilted placemats back then. The new ones are so pretty, especially with matching bookmarkers. The bookmarkers are quick and easy and I can dig into my scrap bag and find enough fabric for several. I've given a few as gifts already. I have really enjoyed the reverse applique coasters. I've been wanting to teach myself the different techniques for applique and this one was first. I found a tutorial on The Sometimes Crafter and they looked so easy I just had to try them. Mine turned out just too cute! I have already given away two sets. One set I liked in particular because I used Chris' old blue jeans as the main fabric and appliqued a hawaiian print to them. They were a gift to a friend who loves Hawaii. I'll make those again! Too bad I didn't get pictures of those! I think for my next foray into applique, I'll try this technique from A Few Scraps' blog. I don't use disposable fabric softener sheets anymore but I saved some of my used disposables for just this purpose. I hope to be able to post pictures soon.


  1. love to see all your pics of the projects! hmmm... right now I am stuck on crochet projects but thinking sewing, maybe you can kickstart me back to sewing for a while with your inspiring photos!?

  2. Thanks Miss Snips but to be honest, I get my inspiration from reading about what others are doing, too! Thank goodness for the internet!
