Saturday, August 04, 2012

Tote bag and zippered pouches

The first pouch is a gift for my sister, Gina, for her birthday.  I enclosed a pair of silver earrings and gave them to her while she was visiting last weekend.  She requested a matching velcro closure cash envelope/wallet, which went into the mail to her on Thursday.  I got the idea for all three pouches from this video on YouTube:

I was gifted this denim fabric (below) from my neighbor and wasn't sure what to do with it until the other day when my friend, Pat, came over for a playdate.  I love our playdates!  We usually have so much fun visiting that we don't get very much done.  I showed her how to make the velcro closure cash envelope/wallet (not shown) and we made one of these pouches.  I made her a tote bag to take home and made mine and the two matching pouches after she went home.  I just wanted to show her how much I can do on my serger and how much I'm enjoying it so far.  I've had it for 3 years and only used it once right after I got it.  My poor husband kept asking why I wasn't using it.  It scared me!  So, knowing this, when Pat bought a new embroidery machine and started taking classes on it, she asked her sewing teacher to show me how to use my serger.  One class and I've been hooked since!  I have my second class in two days.  She's going to show me how to do a narrow rolled hem.   I'm so excited!  I see a lot of cloth napkins and scarves in my future!

Anyway, the pouches are lined, unlike the ones in the video and all raw edges are serged.  I prefer to sew the zippers on by machine rather than serger because I don't like the idea of my serger knife cutting the zippers since I've been making a bunch of these pouches. 


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