Monday, November 21, 2005


Yesterday I decided to see for myself if I could knit a sweater in the round from the neck down without a pattern. I didn't want to embark on another long project only to find it years later in my UFO pile. Therefore, Homer Simpson (or Homer Simsim in Christopher-speak) got a new sweater. Can I just tell you that gauge swatches are important even when knitting for fictional cartoon characters? It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Now I can swatch for a sweater for Chris to match Homer's. I think he'd like that.

Saw this in a Sky Mall catalog that Bernie brought home. It's goofy looking as Hell but I'm sure it does the job it's supposed to. Now I'm just wondering if I'm going to knit it or crochet it. I think one of these and a pair of mittens would make a cool gift for Christmas.

Finished Tychus this morning and am working on a scarf right now knit lengthwise on size 11s using the leftover Crystal Palace Little Flowers from Pat's scarf and some coordinating LB Jiffy. Though not my colors, I think it will be cute when done. Pat's scarf had the Little Flowers fringe but I think I'd like to fringe mine in Jiffy and Little Flowers if I have enough left. Picture to come.

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