Saturday, November 19, 2005

Tychus progress

I was hoping to finish Tychus in time for the game but alas, it still isn't complete. I have two more wedges to go. I'd better get on the ball and get my gift exchange item done as well.

Tonight was the championship game and it wasn't even close. We lost by a score of 40-0. The Gorman Gaels came into the championship undefeated and it's obvious why. Unfortunately, we had 4 players on the sidelines and there was almost a fight at the end of the game. The concession stand did well and we ran out of macaroni salad! Last time I brought half of it home but I must admit, it didn't taste as good as today's batch. Maybe I should make some for Thanksgiving?

Yummy pumpkin gooey butter cake and a latte. I'm going to be up all night, but it's worth it. I have a double chocolate gooey butter cake in the oven right now. I have to test these things before I bring them over to the in-laws, you know.

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