Saturday, November 19, 2005

My boys

Isn't pride in our children a wonderful thing?

Last night Anthony was on My Space and wanted to update his picture. He's so glad that his old Mom knows a thing or two about stuff like that. He's getting a lot more mobility in his knee. I'm so glad to see that he is getting better. I had to pick him up early from school yesterday and the poor kid was covered with sweat by the time he got to the Dean's office. He's complaining of soreness in his armpits and forearms. Can you just see my brain working up a pattern for a crutch cozy? I'm sick! I could make it out of his team colors so that when we go to the final game tonight we can show our team pride! Tonight is the championship game and I know it's going to kill him to watch, especially since his friend, Austin, is also out with a concussion, also aquired at the last game. Anthony and Austin ARE the offensive and defensive line. That leaves poor Westover to pull all the weight. I hope he doesn't get hurt, too. I'll bring an extra ice pack and wraps and pray we won't need them. Oh yeah, final fundraiser and pot luck to follow so guess what I'm bringing? Yep, 10 pounds of macaroni salad...AGAIN!

I'm currently knitting Tychus in the team colors but I think I might just have to keep it or give it to Christopher. I was working on it yesterday and asked Anthony if he liked it and he said "no". Perhaps when it's finished and he sees how absolutely cool it is. Hmmm, perhaps if I can get it done before the game, maybe one of his friends would like it. I'm sure if he saw it on one of his friends, it would lend a more credible coolness to it. Now you know why I don't knit/crochet very much for my family. The only one who is coming around is Chris. I think it's guilt. He overheard me telling someone that while I was pregnant with him I was on bedrest and couldn't do much but crochet, so I made him about five baby afghans and assorted layette items. When he was old enough to choose which blankie he wanted sent with him to daycare, he chose a cotton quilt that belonged to Anthony when he was a baby. He wanted nothing to do with the afghans I had made him. After hearing this story, he dug out a couple of those afghans and has been using them and, in fact, commenting to visitors that these were afghans his mom made for him before he was born. Hey, whatever works!

Off to cook macaroni!

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