Monday, November 14, 2005

Finished afghan

Bernie's afghan for work is finally done. He's going to be in Heaven sleeping between his new sheets and afghan. It's getting colder here in Las Vegas at night and this afghan is so cushy. I have to make a couple of mini afghans for the dogs' beds. Yesterday Thor slept on the folded afghan and looked so comfortable that I figured he deserved one for himself.

I begged Bernie to make me a crochet hook and this was what I got. He actually threw it in the trash because he wasn't happy with it. I rescued it, sanded it and shaped it then waxed it and added the beading. I like it. I told him how much I've seen the beautiful artisan made hooks going for on eBay, especially the ones made by GrayDog. They're gorgeous albeit pricey. Bernie makes some beautiful pens and I thought this would be an easy transition for him. Unfortunately, he is getting frustrated with the hook portion and that's what happened here. I just had to hone it a bit more but it could have been a deeper cut on the hook. It works!
Just a bit more practice and I think he can sell these. His prototype is off limits though. I know it's rudimentary but it means something to me.

1 comment:

  1. I think that crochet hook looks wonderful and the afghan looks great too. I'm glad you rescued the hook from the trash.
