Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Poor Thor & Gooey Butter Cakes

Our Maltese is 14 years old. Poor old man, he just wants a place to lie down in comfort, usually for most of the day. He took a mad liking to Bernie's afghan and spent a good deal of time on it after I finished it the other night. I decided to make Thor his own afghan out of the left-over yarn.

Anthony had his MRI this afternoon and will see the ortho doc again tomorrow. He has a medial meniscus tear which I'm hoping will be amenable to a meniscus repair rather than a meniscectomy. A repair should return his anatomy to normal and a better chance at full recovery. If they are only able to remove the torn portion of the meniscus, he may have problems later in life such as arthritis, just like his father who suffered from torn menisci and ACL injuries in both knees, also secondary to football and bull riding and now has arthritis.

Having never tried a gooey butter cake but always wanting to,I currently have one in the oven. It is a pumpkin gooey butter cake, recipe courtesy of Paula Deen. If it is as good as I've heard, I'll be taking a couple of these to Bernie's brother, Andre's house on Thanksgiving, along with a few other side dishes. I haven't made Lumpia in a very long time, might bring those. They are Filipino spring rolls and are always a big hit. Only thing is that they are such a pain in the ass to make. Much easier when you have a friend to help. My nephew Nick is doing the majority of cooking but I can help. Maybe some type of salad, like a pea salad and maybe a spinach dip in a bread bowl. Maybe a pasta salad? Hmmm, I mean yummmm. Damn! That pumpkin gooey butter cake is making the house smell fabulous. Anthony just asked if I was making a pumpkin pie. He can smell all that yummy pumpkin goodness upstairs. I think a pot of coffee is required. For dinner we're having a kielbasa soup that I put in the crockpot this morning. I don't know how good it is. I didn't even add all the water called for and it's quite watery. Just added another can of tomato paste and I'm trying to thicken it up a bit. Added a bit more salt, some garlic powder and a couple dashes of Tabasco. Oh yeah! Couldn't wait any longer. Had to take a spoon to a corner of the gooey butter cake. It's a winner! Definitely taking a pumpkin one to Thanksgiving at Andre's.


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