Wednesday, November 30, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Bernie put up the tree yesterday afternoon and Christopher just couldn't wait for anyone to help decorate so he did it himself. He could reach all but the top 5 tiers while standing on his stepstool. He was motivated!

I started this stocking the day after Thanksgiving and finished it the next day. I tried 3 different toes and wasn't happy with them. I wound up doing a short row toe to match the short row heel. It sure was faster than making a sock! I used a size 10 circular and 48 sts. I used Caron Victorian Gold yarns in lace and mistletoe ombre.

I've been fighting the flu and just today feel about 75% normal. I just hate letting the housework go. I've lost 6 pounds, in water weight, I'm sure. The family finally got a hot meal last night. I'm glad I've gotten into the habit of having a clean kitchen sink before bed each night. No matter how sick I was, I made sure my sink was clean. It was a great sight to wake up to each morning. Thanks!

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