Friday, November 25, 2005

Thanksgiving scarf giving

Last night at the in-laws I brought my knitting and finished a garter stitch scarf our of LB Chenille Thick & Quick in the Sapphire Print that I got from Bernie last Christmas. I used size 15 needles and last on 10 sts and just knitted until the end of the skein. It was really pretty and I'm sorry I didn't take a picture but my MIL liked it so much that I had to give it to her. We were all sitting outside chatting after dinner and it was a bit chilly at 50 degrees so I sewed in th ends and just draped it around her neck. I'll definitely make another. In fact, my friend Pat bought some of the Paton's Bohemian chenille, which looks a lot like this one and I'll make her scarf in the same way.

I'm also knitting a Christmas stocking out of Caron Victorian Christmas Gold in the colors Lace, which is a gold color and Mistletoe Ombre, which is burgundy, hunter green and gold with gold tinsel running through it. I'm striping the two and I'm using a size 10 circular needle with 48 sts. Picture to follow.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We normally have 2 Thanksgiving dinners. One on the real day and another the next day. Bernie has been working several Thanksgivings so we celebrate with him at work but then have a family gathering the next day at our house. Since we had dinner at his brother's house last night and he's working today, we'll have our Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday. I cooked the turkey today and I'll just carve it and put it away and make as much as I can tonight. Unfortunately, our fridge is so full that I can't put much more in there. That's why I had to cook the turkey today. I couldn't fit the bird in the fridge but I'll find room when it's all carved. The pumpkin gooey butter cake went over well last night but I'm kind of "pumpkined out" right now so I'm going to make the pineapple gooey tomorrow along with some collared greens, green bean casserole, cornbread casserole, dressing, cranberries and macaroni salad. Yummy!

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