Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Back but not quite back in action

I've been back from Hawaii for a week and a half now but I don't like posting without adding pictures and came back from vacation with a broken digital camera. It sucks! Luckily, I was able to get my pictures from my memory card, just can't take any new ones.
Proof that I was knitting on vacation. My sister, Gina, got home from working her 12 hour shift at Kaiser Hospital at about 8 a.m. that morning and took us all to the beach in Waimanalo. Here is a picture of Gina sleeping on the beach while we frolicked about in the frickin' cold water. It didn't bother the kids one bit!I was working on the One Skein Wonder for her daughter, Devan. I managed to finish it in a few days (hey, I was on vacation!) and gave it to her for Christmas. I started a camoflauge print one for her while there but didn't finish it until I got home. I managed to get it in the mail within two days of completion which, Gina will tell you, is completely out of character for me. Normally, Devan would have to wait until next Christmas or until Mom comes to visit and could bring it back home.

Funny thing about that care package that I mailed. In the box I sent Devan's OSW, some Bath & Body antibacterial hand soap for Mom and Gina (there is no B&B in Hawaii!) and some Peet's coffee for my sister, Nellie. Unfortunately, I don't think I told Mom that the coffee was for Nellie, although I told Nellie to go over to Mom's and get it. Mom called me the day after receiving the box to thank me for the soap, to tell me that she didn't tell Gina it came in yet, and to say that her SO, Pete, really liked the coffee!! They thought it was cute that the coffee was Peete's and it was for Pete! I felt bad because not only did I not include anything for Pete but that I would have to tell Nellie about her coffee. My cousin told me that they don't sell Peete's coffee in Hawaii but when I told Gina about the mix-up, she remembered seeing it at Foodland and ran out to get 2 replacement bags for Nellie. Whew!

Now that I'm back, I've started a OSW for myself. Since I am considerably larger than my niece, I made adjustments to the pattern and will give mine long sleeves and more ribbing. I hope to have my camera back in action by the time it is finished.

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