Saturday, January 21, 2006

I'm such a frickin' geek!

I know I'm behind the times, just getting an iPod and all, but I never imagined that there are knitting podcasts! Here are the web sites to the ones I've found thus far. Are there more?
Secret Knitting
Knitting News Cast
The Fiber Cast

We got a new camera last night. Anthony and I got our gift cards together and bought it. At least I can add pictures until I can get mine fixed. Yippeee! After playing with it for a few minutes Bernie announced that he wants one of his own. He'll probably have it tomorrow. So much for delayed gratification.

Last night (until 3 a.m. this morning, actually) I made a few pair of earrings, some stitch markers and a few book thongs. They're addictive.
The red and green ones were designed by my little Christopher. He asked me to wear them and now I have to choose just the right outfit to match. Later in the evening he said I can send them to my sister, Gina. Should I be hurt?

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