Pieced and basted on Tuesday then quilted and bound on Thursday. I made some coasters on Wednesday and just played around with little placemats made from quilt scraps. I had to finish yesterday because I knew I was going to meet my quilting friend for lunch today and wanted to show it to her finished. I'm getting better at stitching in the ditch but joked at lunch that it looks like I Q.U.I., or quilt under the influence, because sometimes I'm in the ditch and sometimes I'm not. I had planned to quilt-as-you-go with this one as well but messed up and had to do it the regular way, which wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
When Bernie came home from work this morning I showed it to him and he asked, "How many of these do you plan on making?" I said "millions" and he nixed that idea. I told him that there is always someone's birthday or baby or other event to give one as a gift. He hates that I've taken up quilting. I don't know exactly why. He calls me a traitor and sell out to my knitting and crochet. I still love those but this is something new that's not boring yet. I hope to get better and better. Yes, this can be quite expensive but so can knitting. I remember spending $100 on yarn for a shawl that has yet to be finished. So far, the most I've spent on a quilt is $25-$30. I'm not saying that I won't spend more. I'm absolutely sure I will!
Today after lunch, Pat and I went to Centennial Quilts, a shop next to the Greek restaurant that we like. They're closing their store and all fabric is 50% off! I bought some Moda fabric for a couple of quilts and still only spent $35! Pat spent close to $170! I told her that if Bernie ever found out I spent that much, he'd kill me. When I told him that, he actually said he wouldn't. I was shocked.
Perhaps he doesn't like that I'm quilting because my sewing area is upstairs in our loft (which gets excellent daylight) and he is crocheting alone downstairs. No wonder he has been spending more time in his office playing X Box 360. We used to crochet side-by-side or he'd watch TV while I crocheted or knitted silently next to him. I'll have to make an effort to spend more time with him downstairs. Too bad he was on duty yesterday when my ass was in my recliner for 6 hours while I sewed the binding down on my quilt!