Just finished binding this one at 1:30 this morning. I'll be having lunch with my friend and her husband and wanted to be able to show her the finished quilt. It is a long lap sized to accomodate the taller members of my family. This was the first quilt I've made using my walking foot to quilt it. Can I just say that I'm not too sure I like the walking foot. I didn't feel like I had as much control as I usually do and I couldn't really see the ditch as well. It was easier to go over the intersections, however. I experienced a lot more puckering of the backing fabric than normal. I used it to attach the binding because I was going over so many layers and while hand stitching the binding down, I noticed that the quilt top had a couple of pleats in it. Overall, I don't think this was my best quilt but I still love it for the fabrics I used. This was also my first time using nylon invisible thread during the quilting portion. I only had it break once. I kept checking for breakage because my friend told me she had a big problem with that. Because of the invisibility of it, I couldn't tell, most of the time, where I'd quilted until I looked at the back. I will definitely be using this thread again! Now if I can only get over my fear of free motion.