Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Pat's Booga status

Got to the point where I wanted to add black to the top but didn't have it in my project bag. Had to start #2 sock of my pair. Oh, did I mention that this was all while at the doctor's office for 4 hours?? Two of the 4 were just waiting to be taken back to the exam room, uh, I mean closet. Apparently, all the exam rooms were occupied so I had to wait in a room where they do metabolic testing, which was just the size of a closet, and probably was one in a former life. I love this doctor but the way her staff schedules patients really needs to be revisited. I should know, I have been working in a medical office for the past 10 years. Yes, we did have patients waiting for 2 hours to be seen but that was because the doc was in the cath lab, ER, or EPS lab with emergencies. Funny thing about heart attacks, they don't happen at convenient times. However, I was in an endocrinologist's office, no emergent trips to the hospital can be to blame for the waits.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
What a beautiful day in the neighborhood...
for hanging out by the pool. My boys invited 3 of their friends to come swimming and I'm just sitting here, it's 94 degrees and windy as Hell. It was 103 yesterday. Freaking hot! It's not even summer yet...can you imagine?
I'm working on the decreases of my 2nd Clapotis, the 3rd is calling me to work on it but also that bag for Pat is hoping to be felted this week.
DJ's on the radio at 98.5 KLUC are describing the scene at the Hard Rock Hotel pool as a feeding frenzy of sharks! I believe it. All the beautiful people who came to Las Vegas for the Memorial Day weekend are sunning and funning before hitting the tables tonight. Oh to be young and dumb again! Okay, just to be young again! But isn't youth wasted on the young? Yup!
Boys have evacuated the pool area...which says to me that they're looking to be fed.
I'm working on the decreases of my 2nd Clapotis, the 3rd is calling me to work on it but also that bag for Pat is hoping to be felted this week.
DJ's on the radio at 98.5 KLUC are describing the scene at the Hard Rock Hotel pool as a feeding frenzy of sharks! I believe it. All the beautiful people who came to Las Vegas for the Memorial Day weekend are sunning and funning before hitting the tables tonight. Oh to be young and dumb again! Okay, just to be young again! But isn't youth wasted on the young? Yup!
Boys have evacuated the pool area...which says to me that they're looking to be fed.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Good read
Almost done with The Shop on Blossom Street by Debbie Macomber. It sure went by fast. I can't wait to read the sequel, A Good Yarn. I've never read Debbie Macomber before and it was very pleasant. I'm used to reading really trashy (sexy) romance novels and some of my favorite authors are Christina Dodd, Judith McNaught, Amanda Quick, Julie Garwood and Julia Quinn. I favor historical romances set in England and Scotland, either medieval or regency romances.
I used to be a voracious reader but lately have been knitting more than reading. If only I could figure out how to hold those little books whilst I read, I'd be happy. I used to like to listen to my audio books while reading but Bernie's computer is not playing well with Audible.com so I can't download anything to my MP3 player at home. I've been listening to my audio books at work but I can't knit while I do it! Dammit!
Speaking of reading and knitting...at one time I used to put my mouse on the floor and read through my emails and group digests while knitting...just clicking my mouse with my toes! It worked for awhile until my feet started cramping. They weren't used to doing such dexterous tasks for an extended period.
I used to be a voracious reader but lately have been knitting more than reading. If only I could figure out how to hold those little books whilst I read, I'd be happy. I used to like to listen to my audio books while reading but Bernie's computer is not playing well with Audible.com so I can't download anything to my MP3 player at home. I've been listening to my audio books at work but I can't knit while I do it! Dammit!
Speaking of reading and knitting...at one time I used to put my mouse on the floor and read through my emails and group digests while knitting...just clicking my mouse with my toes! It worked for awhile until my feet started cramping. They weren't used to doing such dexterous tasks for an extended period.
Got to get back to work!
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Knit Nite
Had a great time with Steph and Leah (sp?) last night. Dinner at Zaba's was good. Kinda tasted like Baja Fresh to me. I was so full when we got to reJAVAnate that I couldn't have any coffee until we were almost done knitting. Oh, and that creme brulee bar wasn't too bad either.
I was working on Clapotis #3 and also finished my crocheted spiral scarf in a lovely soft pink that would do great as a breast cancer awareness scarf.
A dear friend has Stage IV breast cancer and lives in Hawaii. I'd love to knit or crochet something for her but I can't think of anything to make in any fiber that won't be too hot! Suggestions anyone? Perhaps a rayon yarn or cotton rayon from Mystical Creations Yarns would do the job. I'm thinking another clapotis or other shawl that she can wear while she reads her trashy romance novels. She's a voracious reader and really fostered my love of reading while I was growing up. I love this woman with all my heart. She is the mother of my high school sweetheart. Even though he and I have gone our separate ways (many moons ago) I still call her and her husband Mom & Dad out of the respect that they deserve. I have hardly seen her since I was "home" nearly 4 years ago, save for a day when she was here in Vegas a couple of years ago. I'm looking forward to being with her when I go back to Hawaii for Christmas.
I was working on Clapotis #3 and also finished my crocheted spiral scarf in a lovely soft pink that would do great as a breast cancer awareness scarf.
A dear friend has Stage IV breast cancer and lives in Hawaii. I'd love to knit or crochet something for her but I can't think of anything to make in any fiber that won't be too hot! Suggestions anyone? Perhaps a rayon yarn or cotton rayon from Mystical Creations Yarns would do the job. I'm thinking another clapotis or other shawl that she can wear while she reads her trashy romance novels. She's a voracious reader and really fostered my love of reading while I was growing up. I love this woman with all my heart. She is the mother of my high school sweetheart. Even though he and I have gone our separate ways (many moons ago) I still call her and her husband Mom & Dad out of the respect that they deserve. I have hardly seen her since I was "home" nearly 4 years ago, save for a day when she was here in Vegas a couple of years ago. I'm looking forward to being with her when I go back to Hawaii for Christmas.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Oy! What a day I've had!
I was awakened at 7:30 a.m. by the sound of my doorbell frantically ringing. "What the f**k?Who the Hell can that be at this hour?" It was Bernie, who couldn't get into the house because I deadbolted the door. Okay, I'm up already, guess I can start sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning the bird's perch, cooking breakfast and doing a bit o'laundry. Just for starters, mind you. Chele called around 9:00 to see if I can get away for a couple of hours for an impromptu girl's lunch at Fausto's MexiGrill in Henderson. Yum...okeedokee I say and then proceed to call Jeanne to let her know the plan. We're set to meet at 11:30. I'm pretty funky after all that housework so I jump in the shower and basically fart around until 10:50 when Chele calls and says she can't make it. I try calling Jeanne 3 times and can't get a hold of her. I guess I'd better just go there and meet her so she won't be waiting for nothing. My 5 yo asks to go so off we went. As I'm on the road, Steph calls as we had planned to get together today and knit. I tell her what I'm up to for lunch and invite her along. By this time, Chele takes care of her business and says she might be able to show after all. I'm almost at Steph's and Jeanne calls. Amen! She was in the shower and couldn't hear the phone. We're all set.
Needless to say, we had a wonderful lunch. Steph can't wait to tell her husband about Fausto's as it reminds her of a place in San Diego called Jalapenos (look Steph, I found it!). She was nice enough to take a picture of Me, Chris, Chele, Jeanne, the latter two she just met today. She fit right in.
We left Jeanne & Chele and returned to my house for some knitting, or so we thought. Bernie was outside painting the balcony since it was just stuccoed. We were able to get in a little bit of knitting before the delivery truck came with a new sectional sofa for the family room. I didn't even know Bernie bought it. It was supposed to be a surprise! And it was. I had to put my knitting down to re-arrange furniture...bummer but also not, since I just got some new furniture. What's kinda cool is that it is pretty much an identical match to an old sectional we have in our loft, given to us by friends Pat & Jim when they moved. It's perfect for the kids to watch TV & play video games. Since it's old, we don't worry that they'll trash it. The new sofa sure changes things downstairs. I'm really going to enjoy not having to tuck and re-tuck the slipcovers on our other sofa anymore. That was a major bitch to have to do all the time. But with active kids and white furniture, it was necessary. Bernie and I have since moved the loveseat to our bedroom to add to our little seating area. Now it's a really comfy place to curl up with a book or what else...knitting! Pat & Jim stopped by right after the delivery so they could see the sofa and how much it looks like their old one. Too funny!
Steph's family joined us in the afternoon so the kids could swim and we could sit around the pool and enjoy some beer and eachother's company. What a great day!
Needless to say, we had a wonderful lunch. Steph can't wait to tell her husband about Fausto's as it reminds her of a place in San Diego called Jalapenos (look Steph, I found it!). She was nice enough to take a picture of Me, Chris, Chele, Jeanne, the latter two she just met today. She fit right in.
We left Jeanne & Chele and returned to my house for some knitting, or so we thought. Bernie was outside painting the balcony since it was just stuccoed. We were able to get in a little bit of knitting before the delivery truck came with a new sectional sofa for the family room. I didn't even know Bernie bought it. It was supposed to be a surprise! And it was. I had to put my knitting down to re-arrange furniture...bummer but also not, since I just got some new furniture. What's kinda cool is that it is pretty much an identical match to an old sectional we have in our loft, given to us by friends Pat & Jim when they moved. It's perfect for the kids to watch TV & play video games. Since it's old, we don't worry that they'll trash it. The new sofa sure changes things downstairs. I'm really going to enjoy not having to tuck and re-tuck the slipcovers on our other sofa anymore. That was a major bitch to have to do all the time. But with active kids and white furniture, it was necessary. Bernie and I have since moved the loveseat to our bedroom to add to our little seating area. Now it's a really comfy place to curl up with a book or what else...knitting! Pat & Jim stopped by right after the delivery so they could see the sofa and how much it looks like their old one. Too funny!
Steph's family joined us in the afternoon so the kids could swim and we could sit around the pool and enjoy some beer and eachother's company. What a great day!
Friday, May 13, 2005
Boy, have I been busy!
I'm finally getting my blog to look the way I want. Unfortunately, all this time on the keyboard doesn't leave much time for knitting or crocheting. I really want to make the crochet spiral scarf this weekend. I started the ruffled scarf in Scarf Style but will have to finish that one later. I'm a much faster crocheter than knitter. I want to work on my clapotis #2, the black/oatmeal bag for felting, the spiral scarf and the prayer shawl...all this weekend! I'm going to try and get up early tomorrow and knock out a big chunk of my housework so that I might be able to lounge by the pool and knit/crochet as it's supposed to be 90 degrees tomorrow although partly cloudy was also in the forecast. We'll see.
Chris is in the living room watching the SpongeBob Movie. He keeps asking me to come in and replay the scene where he is a rock star and Patrick is wearing fishnet stockings and stilettos. This is the 3rd time I've replayed that scene for him. NUMB3RS is being taped and since I'm here, I'll have to watch when Chris goes to sleep.
Steph, hopefully I'll be able to hang out with you tomorrow!
Chris is in the living room watching the SpongeBob Movie. He keeps asking me to come in and replay the scene where he is a rock star and Patrick is wearing fishnet stockings and stilettos. This is the 3rd time I've replayed that scene for him. NUMB3RS is being taped and since I'm here, I'll have to watch when Chris goes to sleep.
Steph, hopefully I'll be able to hang out with you tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Make the "Runaway Bride" blanket!
God love Annie Modesitt! This must be the funniest thing I've seen in awhile.
OTN right now:
1) Clapotis #2
2) Clapotis #3
3) Booga bag for Pat in black and oatmeal
4) Prayer shawl for Cynthia
5) Mohair shawl for moi...probably gonna be frogged and redone in another stitch pattern
6) Homespun shawl just needing a few more rows
7) Socks for moi that match the pair I made for Gina
There are more...I just can't think straight since I have to pee!
OTN right now:
1) Clapotis #2
2) Clapotis #3
3) Booga bag for Pat in black and oatmeal
4) Prayer shawl for Cynthia
5) Mohair shawl for moi...probably gonna be frogged and redone in another stitch pattern
6) Homespun shawl just needing a few more rows
7) Socks for moi that match the pair I made for Gina
There are more...I just can't think straight since I have to pee!
Tuesday, May 03, 2005

That's my man! Isn't he sexy? I just love a man in uniform...unless it's a McDonald's uniform or something like that. This man has worn a uniform for as long as I've known him, first BDU's in the Army, now his turn-outs as a firefighter and for the past few years, the zebra suit as a college football official. I miss wearing a uniform myself (scrubs) because I didn't have to think about what I was going to wear, they were easy to take care of, and didn't cost as much money as street clothes. Oh well. Now I dress as comfortably as I can while still making dress code. If admin ever lets us work from home, I'll wear shorts and t-shirt to work every day. For now it's just a dream.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

This is clapotis #3, which I am simultaneously working with #2. I'm doing this one on size 9's. I'm also using that trick of purling through the back loop to firm up the dropped stitch line. I think, however, that I'm going to make this one a scarf size. Not sure yet...but have to make up my mind soon.

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